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- Our Solutions & Services -
- Vessel hull Performance monitoring based on permanent hull inspection.
- Dry Dock hull inspection & supervision on behalf of the owner by certified specialist.
- Coating & Hull condition inspection, monitoring & control.
- Data analysis and management report preparation for future actions in terms of hull painting, advice on blast-abrasive maintenance, paint selection, etc.
Hull inspection and on going monitoring with specialized equipment dedicated to collect high resolution pictures and data.
- Carry out inspections of ballast tanks and consulting in obtaining the CAP 1 certificate.

On - going crew training & support.
"Professional training and on going support from specialized trainers to raise crew awareness about the hull''
Training, Workshops & certification.
Crew Professional training and certification by specialized trainers about :
- OHS high pressure equipment operation, ultra high pressure pumps, sand blasting equipment.
- supervisors training, foreman, painters & blasters in compliance with Norsok M-501 standard. :
The software
Our state of the art software has been carefully developed in order to meet the market and operators requirement.
'' You can do as many dives as you need ''
Integrate all data from the ROV to our software and enable access to our technical team to examine analysis and to prepare monthly management reports.
Hull Inspections & monitoring made easy with our underwater ROV!
We empower the crew to gain full control with just a simple training.
The 4k - UHD camera resolution, the extra features and accessories enabling user access with pictures and videos from hull areas that are not easily accessible today.

Welcome to our services & solutions section.
Purchase Smart Nautilus full package and gain full ownership of our solution equipment and software! + Activation on the monthly management reports and fleet performance management software.
Leasing of the Full solution package from Smart Nautilus with a pre arrange fixed cost + activation on monthly management reports + access to fleet performance management software.
Smart Nautilus solutions are now available anytime and in anyplace.
Our hull inspection stations is the choice for those who prefer to inspect their vessels in a case by case agreement.
Contact our team and let us undertake the hull inspection responsibility for your fleet today!
Fleet Hull Performance Software.
Now the access to data and to information about the fleet hull performance are just few clicks away.
Smart Nautilus developed a state of the art software that is ready to optimize your fleet analysis and to enable access to hull condition history anytime and in anyplace.
Contact our sales team in order to discuss how our solutions can become adding value for your fleet requirements.
Monthly Management reports.
Monthly management reports are available and can downloaded with just few steps from our FHP software.
We assist in keeping up to date your fleet hull data and our qualified hull specialist will advise solutions on how to optimize your future fleet performance.
Our report is fully comply with the new IMO regulations and amendments and is the only available solution to inspect the mandatory niches areas.
Fleet Hull performance analysis.
Smart Nautilus team analysing the collected data and uploading monthly the performance analysis and diagnostics history of each vessel, thus enabling access to the owners and operators to undertake for appropriate future decisions about their hull.

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